Busty Escort
Book Busty escorts in the United Kingdom. Choose from our list of naughty Busty escorts, call and book them directly. These big titted escorts all have large hooters. Many men like women with Big Tits. The imagine the cock being caressed between two large tits until they splash over these giant bosoms.
There are over a thousand slang terms for tits, describing tits and actions on tits.
10/10, 14 cents, 19 year old tits, 2nd base, 3 headed monster, 36-24-36, 36c’s, 4th hole, 7 words you can’t say on t.v., 7175, 81, 90 60 90, [boftt], [ketted], a cup, a over t, a white rorschach, a.p.t., a/t, agustics, agustina, airbags, alex borstein, alps, amanda todd, amazetits, amber, animal boom, anime tits, anina, aniya, anna popplewell, annalise, aota, ape tits, arangatang tits, , ariana, armonk, armtits, as useless as tits on a bull, ass party, astg, astump, asuth, at&t, aunt jemima tits, b master t, b my l on her t’s, b my l on someones t’s, b wave, b.f.t., b.t.s.b, baboomba, babygirl, babying, babylons, back rack, back titties, backachingas, bacon tits, badonkadonks, bag of sand, bagoomba, bajumbas, ball sack tits, ball worship, balloons, balogna tits, baloney tits, banana tits, barbie tits, barricade, barry chebs, bast, batänk, bazoingas, bazoomas, bazoongas, bazoozas, bazungas, bbbjcot, bbot, beagles ears, beautiful eyes, beautits, beaver tails, bee stings, beef cannons, beefy tits, bertha slap, bertha-slap, bewbage, bewbatar, bewbies, bewbz, bewps, beyondertits, bfts, bic tits, big bertha, big d’s, big fat flatty, big flat fatty, big naturals, big tahuna, big tatas big tit patrol, big titays, big tits, big tits mcgee, big titty committee, big uns, big-tits mcgee, biga, biggens, biggies, bigits, bigtobia, biguns, bisquit tits, bit, bitch boobs, bitch tits, bitch tits magee, bitch titty fuck, bitchin nipplage, bits, bizaz, blackbelt, blimblums, blimpy, blit, blouse balloons, blouse mounds, blowjob tits, blt, blue pancakes, bodacious tatas, bodatious tartars, bofo, boftt, bollcocks, bomb-beezy, bombs, boob tube, boobaloob, boobatar, boobcopter, boobeh, boobie doobies, boobie honking, boobies, boobne, boobs, boobular, , boobylicious boomgaloongers, boosies, boozel, boston chili dog, boston steamroller, bosums, bots, boulder holder, boulder tits, boyboobs, bra buster, bra meat, brabuster, brail hog nips, bravo tango, braydon, brazzers breast buy, breast fetishism, breast reduction, breasticles, breastraunt, breasts, breh breh, bresteses, brestical, briana banks bristols, brittany oneill, broadback, bronco, bronski, bruner, brynne, bröst, btbf, btfa, btra, btrf, bubberumpskees, bubbies, bucksome, buenos, bull riding, bumble tits, bumper, bumpin’ pumpkins, bumps, bundles of joy, busty, busty mcnasty, butt tits, butter tits, buttered biscuts, buttertits, buvie, buzunga jungas, buzzums, bzaz, bzez, cabbage tits, cabbaged, cajungas, cake tits, california sunset, callisters, calm your tits, calorie tits, can i b my l on your ts?, cannons, cans, cantastic, canz, capital knockers, caracas, carmella decesare, carpet ticklers, carrete, cartoon network, cash’n prizes, casper tits, cats ass, ceptor tits, cgwbt, chameleon tits, chandeliers, chanquia, charlyne maubert, chasey lain, chat roulette, chats, chebbs, chebs, chebz, cheescake tits, chemical balls, chest ass, chest patties, chest rig, chesticals, chesticles, chestigo, chestrub, chi chi, chi chi’s, chi-chi, chichis, childinion, chili dog, chillidog, chilly dog, chinese mudslide, chits, chitties, choppy, chouinards, cinna bunns, clanker tits, clay, cleavage, cleavageful, cleaveland steamer, cleaverage, clevage dive, cock cleavage, coconuts, coke bottle, cold as tits, college girls, cone tits, conez, cot, cowgirl style, cpot, crackin’ tits, cristina c, croak, cubic polynomials, cuddle bunny, cum splash, cum tits, cumblast, cumgarts, cuntbook, cupcakes cups, curb feelers, custard tits, cutting board, cv, cyft, cyt, daewoon, dairy hangers, dairy pillow, dairy pillows, dakota, damn, she’s fine!, dara, dead heat in a zeppelin race, dead or alive, dick or gtfo, dick tits, dick-resin, diddy, dilara, director, dirty ethan, dirty picture, distant thunder, divider, dog ears, donkey tits, doody boobies, dooning, doonka, dooters, dorito tits, double d, double knocks, double pits to chesty, double stacked, double stuffed oreo’s, douche tits, doughball tits, dozer tits, dracula biscuits, dragons, dragonspirit, drissy, drizzle my jizzle on yo mizzles tizzles, droops, droopy swingers, drouin, drum tits, dtfmt, duck-butter, ducks on the pond, dump ’em out, elf shoe tits, elise j., ellerey, elmo shirt, elsby, enhanced, epov, eric medzan, espere, essex, eura, evony, eye magnets, f the t’s, f t and a, f.t., f1, fake tickets, fakes, fant, fantittytastic, fapic, fassagger, fat bags, fat girl tits, fat jacks, fat luke, fat tits, fatitas, fatshit, fattypatty, feeders, feeling up, feminine charms, fhfreak, fire tits, fish tits, flabtastic, flappy bappies, flappy baps, flashing, flashing t&a, flat, flat pancakes, flatso, flbp, flesh melons, flittie, floaters, floben, floppin jangles, flubberdubs, fmt, fmto, fmyt, foopies, fran’s tits, freaktits, free willie, freezer tits, french fuck, fried bologna nipples, fried egg tits, fried eggs hanging on a nail, frits, front bumpers, frost heaves, ft’s, ft. lauderdale, fuck bags, fuck me shirt, fuck salt, fuck udder, fun bag, fun bags, fun bubbles, fun bumps, funbags, g.o.t.a., gamble cleveland, garbage tits, garys, gazangas, gazangatangs, gazongas, gazongazilla, gazoolis, gazungas, gbt, gemma, genovieve, genuine gms, george bush eyes, george carlin, georgia, gerstner, giada de laurentiis, giardini tits, gigantits, gigatit, giggle tits, gillian connors, ginger tits, giraffe tits, glamour model, glitter bomb, globes, golden ratio, gonzagas, got milk, gota, gozonas, gozongas, gpat, grab bags, granny panties, grenade tits, groodies, gta, gurren lagann, gwen, gym bunny, gyto, hakimbaba, ham hocks, hamburger, hammers, hand job, hang downs, hanging sock tits, hangnipple, hangtits, hannah, hard, hard as tits, harumi nemoto, hawt, he-tits, head lights, headlights, heavy hangers, heeky, hehooters, helloobies, hepatitties, herhies, hey whats your cup size?, hiptits, hoagie shack, hog tits, hogans, honey peppering, hoo hoos, hoobahdubbies, hoog, hooter, hooters, hooters girl, hooters restaurant, horny, htmhgeoma, huge tits, humble tits, hwot, i like your shirt, i need to b my l on someone’s t’s, i.l.b.t, ibtc, identities, ihops, ilbt, indented tits, inhibitits, it’s the tits, ivy valentine, j tits, jade green, jahoobs, jammy wobs, japanese babies, jazzy brown jugs, jeanette, jello mixer, jelly jugs, jellyballoon, jennifer love hewitt, jessica biel, jesus tits on a crucifix, jiblees, jigglers, joggs, joli, jomt, jooty booty, jubblies, jubes, jug pug, jug-a-saurus-rex, jugger lugger, juggernaut, juggies, juggles, juggsalo, jugs, jugs for drugs, juicies, jumbly fucking bumblies, jungle tits, justice tits, kaceytron, kadie, kahunas, kajuggers, kajungas, kanaks, kangaroo, karate kid, kazzasback, kelis, kelly rae, kinnera, knee grinder, knockers, knorks, kontos, krista, kroblin, kumba lumbas, l.a.t, lanch, latina, lcd tits, leave it to beavage, leg man, lemon twisties, lenn art, let it snow, lethek, like reading braille, lil mama, lissy, lohans, loltas, loltits, look at the girl on those tits, loubies, lovepack, low tits, low-rider tits, luchi, lucky bastard, lucy thai, lying sack of bitch titties, lyla moran, magen, magic bouncing milk trucks, mammalian protuberances, mammaries, mammon, man boobies, man boobs, man mammaries, man melons, man tits, man tittys!!!!!!, manboobs, manchester, mandy moore, mangoes, mangoferous, manhattan chili dog, manmaries, manmary glands, map tits, mariah carey, matukas, mckenna, mcmaster, meat lumps, meat sweater, meat tits, mega tits, melatits, meligoro, melone, melones, melons, mexi-tit, mexican sugar tits, mickey mouse, midgetits, midgy-bidgy, milbat, milf & cookies, milk bags, milk cannons, milk faucets, milk makers, milk muscles, milk shake, milksacks, milky fun bags, milky swingers, milky tits, minhyeung, mini ha ha’s, mipples, miss 6 o’clock, missile tits, mits, mitwank, mo beep, mommy bags, monkey bread, monkey dumpling, monster boobage, monsterous mammories, montitors, moob, moobies, moobs, mookies, moses effect, mosquito bite tits, motherly nipples, motor boat, motorbaiting, mountain dew, mr titty, muffins, mug cleavage, muhtits, mwarp, n0rks, naas, naked blonde, nascar tits, nat geos, nate smith, national geographics, natty hangers, navy gravy, nbt, nettie, nice buoys, nice cans, nice cupcakes, niem, nigtit, nikiskyler, nipdripity, nipple tits, nippleless-tit, nipples, nipples on my balls, nips, niptits, noell, noogers, norbit, norfuck titwank, norkolepsy, norks, norma stits, ocean shortreed, octaves, offit, old sailor, old slop tits, olsen twins, open jam, orangutan titties, orangutan tittys, orangutang titties, oyo, p.h.a.t, p.h.a.t., p.t.a., palmers, pamela anderson, pamplonas, pancake nipple, pancake titties, paris hilton, pat, patatas, patties, peaks & valleys, pearl necklace, peepers, pendulous, peperoni tits, perky, perky tits, personalitits, pfd, phat, phat farm, phdd, physically_insane, piccassoed, pickel tits, pickle tits, pics or gtfo, pimple tits, pippa, pizza tits, plonsons, pointed tits of sorrow, pointing spanish tits, poop shit ass, poop taco, pop a cheb, pork tits, porsche 944, posh tits, powder tits, princess peach, prism tits, pta, pta bath, puberty, punat, pungent tits, pupper, puss pants, pussy tassle tits, q-tits, rabbit ear tits, racist, rackateer, rackne, ramita, rangs, renaissance tits, rfbt, rft, rice tits, rich burrell, rich gannons, riley steele, rio ferdinand, rip tits, ripe ass tits, ripped, rita g, roast beef, rock dons, rodeo fuck, rodeo tits, roflmaowtasoumhtaeft, roll ups, rollercoaster titties, roof tilers nailbags, rouge the bat, roundface, rtfwbg, rule 31, rule 55, russian fuck, rusty titmouse, résumé, s on d theorem, sackrack, sagamuffin, saggage, saggits, saggy tits, sagtits, sagtown, sailboat, sallie, salma boobs, salma fake, salvation tits, sandbags, sandra tits, sara jay, sarah palin, sashwalla, sasquatch tits, sausage knockers, sausage tits, schmilkies, scoobs, sea donky, seven of nine, sft, shaneen, shaygen, sheila marie, shelf tits, shin, shirt potatoes, shit socks, shit tits, shitties, shmeebs, shrimp tits, silicone valley, skexis, skibo, skittle tits, skittletits, slifkin, slippery minnow, slocom, slompywampleybearstribeastyti, sloppy doggs, sloppy milkstamp, slovakian bricklayer, small-breasted jersey shrew, smft, smoking hot, smt, smyt, snail boat, snazwanger, snobinatti, snoopy tit, snorgtees chick, snow cap, snow caps, snow-capped mountains, snowy mountains, so fine, sofia vergara, soothers, spaggy tits, spaniel’s ears, spanish, specky big chebs, spheres of influence, splanket, spotlights, squeez bags, stacked, stackin, stacy kiebler, stickam, stiffgoat, stiffy, stisters, stits, stitshass, stripe shirt theory, stsa, subterfuge, subtitties, sucker tits, sucking, sucking on the tit of life, suckle, suckplates, sugar tits, sugartits, sugartitties, suger tits, sulamitta, suyt, suytl, sweater bunnies, sweater chickens, sweater cougars, sweater puppies, sweet apples, sweet tits, swingdogs, swits, sympathy tits, syto, t & a, t and a, t& a, t&a, t’n a, t’s for d’s, t-and-a, t-c theory, t.a.n.k, t.a.p., t.a.r.t’s, ta tas, ta-tas, tabes, taffy, tah tahs, tahtahs, tambourine, tamiris, tango uniform, tank tits, tankles, tara reid, tarl, tassive mits, tatas, tatch, tats, tattas, tatters, tattybojangles, tawny roberts, tbo, teatas, tech deck titties, teds, teepee tits, teeters, teija, template, tera patrick, tetas de azucar, teton, tets, tette, texas chile dog, tftl, tgfo, tgif, tgtfo, that girl, that’s tits, that’s tits!, the 7 words u cant say on t.v., the bosom, the chili dog, the crab defense, the grand finale, the nixon, the seven dirty words, the tits, the tug boat, thingies, threepenny bits, thrupennies, thrupney bits, thumber bits, tibbers, tidz, tiet, tig bits, tig bitties, tig o bity, tig ol bitties, tig ol’ bitties, tig-o-bitties, tig-ol-bitties, tigass bitties, tigbits, tight tities, tigo bitties, tigobitty, tiits, tila tequila, timple, timples, tina, tiny tits, tissit, tit, tit clammer, tit clap, tit crack, tit cum, tit envy, tit for tat, tit fuck, tit fucking, tit gut fuck, tit head, tit honker, tit jizzler, tit monger, tit nibler, tit punch, tit queen, tit sex, tit shadow, tit slap, tit smash, tit smoked, tit taggin, tit tan, tit tats, tit thruster, tit waffles, tit wank, tit-sicles, tit-tacular, tit-tanic, titage, titally, titastic, titataur, titbag, titbagging, titballs, titburglar, titbuster, titcicles, titdirt, titeous, titestry, titetition, titface, titfuck, titi slap, tities, titism, titist, titlock, titmeister, titmonger, titmongerer, titmunch, titney, titology, titons, titonsters, titoops, titpix4dikpix, titporn, titrate, tits almighty, tits and ass, tits deep, tits for hits, tits magee, tits mahony, tits marmalade, tits on wheels, tits or gtfo, tits you know (t.y.k), tits-do, titsaster, titscock, titseeking, titslapped, titslow, titsmcgee, titspit, titsy, titted, titteh, titter, titteriffic, tittery, tittettes, tittie fucking, titties for days, titties of mass destruction, titties on a bun, tittilage, tittilate, tittilated, titting, tittiot, tittious, tittle bitties, tittles, tittsicles, titty balls, titty bread, titty fencing, titty fuck, titty fucking, titty jelly, titty kitty, titty monkey, titty sprinkles, titty taco, titty vase, titty wacker, tittyfuck, tittymongler, tittywank tituba, titwagon, tity licker, tity monger, tizz, tizza, tna, to4tb, toab, toddler tits, tofb, toftb, togo, togtfo, toht, toidh, tollhouse, tolo, tomo, tomtoms bigger than a buss stop, tonka trucks, tonster mits, tootskies, top-bollocks, tortilla tits, tos, totally batman, totally tits, tots, tpm, training bra, triple d, trit, try hard tits, tu, tubby tits, tube sock tits, tubing, tumblr, tummy tits, tummyboobs, tupperware titties, turkish tits, tusks, tut, tuts, tv, tva, twin tetons, tyft, tyftt, tytl, ugandan floppers, ugbt, ugne, unitit, unotits, up toppers, useless as tits on a boar hog, utt, vacuum cleaner man, vermontitties, violet storm, vyzompala, wabaloobas, wabbage, wabbers, wackerpods, waffle boob, walderbeast, wallyjumblatts, waps, water melons, we live together, weapons of mass seduction, weiner tits, well droopy swingers, well endowed, white pointers, whitney, whoppers, wiggy tits, windy wolf tits, winnebagos, wobit, woof tits, yabbos, yalda, yamacan, yams, yelena, ygwbt, yinnies, you’re the tits, yugin, yumbags, zebra tits, zit tit, zits, zonkers, zoya
Penelope Peragrin
Penelope Is a fun woman, with a fulfilling occupation. She enjoys meeting the majority of her clients for a fun-filled time together. She has a fuller figure (size 14) with a 46DD bust. She is articulate and an excellent conversationalist. She is passionate about her chosen career, and as a Sloane ranger has a pedigree second to none. If you … Continue reading →
Tulsi Tamora – Luxury Curvy Companion and Mistress
Luxury Curvy Indian Escort & Mistress. I know you want more than ordinary desire I’m Tulsi. With caramel F cup curves, a sweetly sensual presence, and the magic of a wicked mistress, I can be the reality you’ve been searching for. My heritage is Indian, and my upbringing is British. I spend my days studying my Masters at a world-class … Continue reading →
Zoe Red – Black Ebony High Class Escort
Hello, gentlemen! 😃 It’s such a pleasure to meet you. I’m Zoe Red – an exclusive British Afro-Asian ebony escort and high class travel companion. Based in London, UK, I travel worldwide for dates by appointment only. If you would like to invite me to your city, I would be delighted to receive your exclusive invitation for a date – … Continue reading →
Jess BBW Massage
I am Jess a Scottish touring BBW erotic massage specialist and escort I work from a nice apartment with plenty of parking. Professional tantric Lingham massage and on a table. Lovely shower. Fluffy towels. XX Qualified at tantra and Lingham. The rates published are for massage. Half an hour will cost 60. One hour will cost 100. I work early … Continue reading →
Tabitha Jones London BBW Companion
I am Tabitha Jones, I reside in London however I am available worldwide as a companion. A siren of wicked humour, angelic glances and a body of curves that drives all of the mundanities of life to slip away into the darkness. Sensual date will have me, the Hostess of the hour leaving a very sweet taste in your mouth, … Continue reading →
Juicy Joolz Big Busted BBW
Joolz is a mature BBW who entertains from her home in Amersham, within easy reach of the M25 and five minutes walk from the local Chiltern Rail Line at Amersham. She is a big busty escort with a 40G bust. As well as providing incalls from Amersham, she also provides an outcall service in the surrounding area, including London and … Continue reading →
Amber Evergreen – Scotland’s Redhead Escort
Well hello darling, my name is Amber Evergreen and it would be an absolute pleasure to be your Sensual Muse and Temptress of Desires. Highly skilled at curating intimate and erotic experiences, time spent in my company is a tonic for the body and soul. If the trials and tribulations of everyday life are getting you down, I will be … Continue reading →
Serena – Mature Busty Masseuse
A beautiful, busty, brunette, blessed with natural curves and beautiful olive skin. I am a professional Tantric Massage Therapist ho can give you pleasure in a relaxing and sensual manner. Men and Women are welcomed. Available from Noon till 8 PM. Please note that I prefer a phone call for our first contact. Contact Serena – Mature Busty Masseuse: website … Continue reading →
Victoria Ashley Petite Luxury Antipodean Companion
Charmingly petite at just 5′1″, she possesses an all-natural G cup bust, a delectably round, peachy derrière, and a naughty imagination, making her often described as the perfect blend of adorable and seductive. Though her face is blurred for anonymity, many frequently remark that it is one of her best features, blessed with pouty, kissable lips and a perfect smile. … Continue reading →
Elle Earls Court London Escort
Meet Elle, a dazzling and tantalizingly sexy platinum blonde with long, elegant legs and perfect 34 GG breasts. She’s reliable, kind, and respectful, making her the ideal companion. Elle is the complete package! A naturally classy English beauty with a bubbly, positive attitude, influenced by her fun-loving Aussie upbringing in Western Australia. She delights in engaging conversations and thrilling adventures. … Continue reading →
Mistress Maya London Mistress
Greetings, I am Mistress Maya, I’m 25 years old, half British half Portuguese highly educated in the art of domination and seduction, I love being in control and after you experienced me, you’ll always want to come back again and again. You’ve been warned! I’m 5’7”, 115 pounds; I have a toned body and soft skin and my 34D breasts. … Continue reading →
Nicole London Companion
Nicole is an exclusive high-class London escort and the perfect London guide. She is a regular at many of London’s fashionable restaurants and nightclubs. Her stylish apartment is available for discrete incall appointments and offers you sensual premises for our rendezvous. She is a native English speaker and can converse in Russian and is learning Spanish and French. A slim … Continue reading →
Stephanies Secrets Leeds Escort
My name is Stephanie, and I’m an experienced Leeds based independent escort. I’m 47 years old, 5’6”, a soft and curvy dress size 16 with a natural 36G bust. Fun and friendly, I provide a relaxed and affectionate girlfriend experience that is sure to leave you with a smile on your face! Kissing, protected oral and reverse oral, hand and … Continue reading →
Emily Cole – Your professional girlfriend
Emily Cole is a busty 5”6 British lady. She is a Psychotherapist by day. Predominantly based in London Emily likes to explore her naughty side with discerning professional gentlemen in her spare time. Emily provides a refreshing girlfriend experience on an outcall only basis. Well-groomed and corporately dressed you can meet Emily anywhere and she will fit in well. Emily … Continue reading →
Fly Me To You Ruby
She is curvaceous and exciting, with a taste for luxury, a good cocktail, adventure, and new experiences. She radiates warmth and positivity effortlessly, with a touch of spice. Her kindness shines through in the thoughtful little things she does for her clients—a kind word, a genuine smile, a listening ear. She has a playful spirit, always ready with a silly … Continue reading →
Estella Fucking Bathory
I’m a British, tattooed, tall, juicy thick girl with a rock’n’roll attitude – but being from a middle class background I have the cut glass private school accent. Long before I started porn I’ve been a voracious switch – my interests are relatively broad. At the beginning of my career I was known as a super hardcore deepthroat lover, and … Continue reading →
Ceri Elena – Your secret Lancashire companion
How do you see your afternoon playing out? Stuck at work in a boring meeting? Feet up with Netflix? Or….. why not take some special time out for yourself and come spend an intimate hour or two with me. My name is Ceri Elena and I may just be your new favourite addiction… I am a mature, independent escort based … Continue reading →
Amelia Rose Mature West Midlands and Birmingham Escort
Amelia is a mature West Midlands escort operating out of her luxury Birmingham apartment. She offers a VIP courtesan service for gentlemen across the West Midlands. Her services come with a full-on Girlfriend Experience. This is the ultimate blonde GFE from a mature escort. You are visiting Birmingham on business and are looking for some company, therefore, you can’t go … Continue reading →
Freya Woolridge a Soft Caramel Skinned Beauty
A British born well-spoken and well-rounded woman. Freya Woolridge has a lust for life and uncomplicated enjoyment. Her long legs and elegant body will hold you captivated. As you approach you will be captivated by her sparkling brown eyes. Her face will burst into a charming smile. She loves conversation, travel, shopping and good food and wine. She loves spending … Continue reading →
Ivy Grace – London Curvy Courtesan
Intimacy, for me, is not simply about the physical connection—it’s about the exchange of energy, the subtle dance between two souls. The moments when our gazes lock, when silence speaks volumes, when a single touch can say everything. In these moments, time slows, and every detail becomes heightened—each breath, each sigh, each fleeting sensation is savoured. True intimacy is not … Continue reading →
Julianne, Elite Independent Mature London Escort
I am in my late 30’s,168 cm(5,6) tall, captivating blonde. My measurements are 34E-28-36 (all natural). I always receive compliments on my beautiful full breasts, deep, sparkling blue eyes, lips that are soft, full and screams to be kissed, luxurious long hair, smooth skin that is an absolute delight to touch and a sensational, curvaceous womanly body. Others have described me as … Continue reading →
Birmingham Escort – Chardonnay Birmingham’s Finest
Chardonnay is a busty British Birmingham escort in her twenties, she is blonde and blue-eyed. She is based in an apartment in Birmingham City Centre. Chardonnay is available for incall appointments. The apartment is easily accessible to those with disabilities. She is experienced and has been escorting for several years and feels privileged to have met some lovely gentlemen. As … Continue reading →
Scarlet’s Secret, South East and London outcall escort
She is a youthful and fit 45-year-old with a slender, toned physique and stands at 5’4″. She wears a dress size 10 and boasts a natural 34E bust with sensitive, always-erect nipples. Though she enjoys working out, she does not consider herself a gym enthusiast. Her captivating green eyes have an enchanting quality that draws others in. Her hair color … Continue reading →
Finest English Courtesan – Busty Charlotte
Charlotte is a blonde English Courtesan based in Marylebone Village near to Bond Street tube. Her blonde hair is complemented by natural 34GG breasts and a gorgeous shapely body. Her bust often bursting out of her top. She is well-spoken and loves the finer accoutrements to life. Romantic dinners, opera, concerts, festivals, and travel certainly come high on her list. … Continue reading →
Belles Le Jugs – British London SSBBW
British born SSBBW, size 28, 48FF. Available in Heathrow and surrounding areas. I love to tease and show my voluptuous charms. 100% woman. Can you handle all I have to offer? I have a lot to offer. See me in person for the full gushing girlfriend experience. I also offer role play, face sitting, foot worship, squashing, mild domination and … Continue reading →
Manchester Mature BBW – Natalie
Natalie is a beautiful naturally busty Manchester Mature BBW with long blonde hair and beguiling green eyes. Men enjoy their time with Natalie beyond their wildest dreams as she teases and seduces them. She is a natural seductress and spoils the men in her life. Let her friendly demeanour spoil you. She is a 5’9″ blonde with a pair of … Continue reading →
Abbie 48JJ BBW from Derbyshire
I am Abbie, a mature curvy BBW with huge boobs and a matching big bottom. I pride myself with being very attentive to details and you’ll always find me clean, fresh, immaculate, glam & very well presented for our meets. My dress size 20, 172cm tall, a very curvy 48JJ bust with a matching huge ass, long dark hair, come … Continue reading →
Cora Leigh – Companion and Dominatrix
Hello there! She is Cora Leigh, a Companion, Dominatrix, and full-time curator, residing in a quaint, quirky rural area of West Yorkshire. However, she also enjoys traveling and has scheduled dates this year in Manchester, London, Mumbai, and Amsterdam, with plans to visit Valencia/Alicante. She is an ivory-skinned hourglass, with bright copper hair and Bette Davis’s big blue eyes. Cultivated … Continue reading →
Abigail Lexington – High Class British Companion
Hey there! I’m Abigail, though you can call me Abby.I’m likely here for the same reasons you are, as I have the deep desire to spend an amazing night with someone seeking personal companionship, or even a couple! I’d definitely consider myself a bit of a city girl, having lived in London for the past few years, I love the … Continue reading →
Busty Shavon Bristol BBW
I am a petit Big Busty Black Beauty from Nigeria. I have a dress size of 20 with a large 42E bust. My hair is black with curls, my eyes are brown. I am and intelligent woman I am a woman that can talk on a wide range of topics as I keep up to date with current affairs and … Continue reading →
Maxine Mature Solihull English Blonde
Max is a compassionate and empathic woman in her early 50’s. A busty blonde with a beautiful body, just waiting for you to explore. She is a curvy feminine size 14. So if you are looking for a ‘proper’ pampering experience and appreciate a ‘real ‘ woman, then come and see her. She limits the number of customers she sees … Continue reading →
London Mature Escort Danish Britta
Available 24/7 I’m Alina – an independent high-class escort girl ready to provide you with maximum pleasures of all sorts. I can be a perfect companion – I know how to communicate, and I can feel the personality of each of my clients and I’m ready to provide them with mature escort service. Looking for a night out with a busty goddess? Starving for elite-class … Continue reading →
Lana Busty Massage and Role Play
Lana is for those who love mature ladies with large natural breasts (38HH). This is an accomplished tall escort who speaks English and German fluently. Qualified in Tantric massage and enjoys Tie and Tease. She will fulfil your dreams and you will leave a whole man or woman. Lana entertains men, females and couples into an adventure of self-discovery. Her … Continue reading →
Svetlana Crimson – Elite European Companion
Meet Svetlana, your delightful companion nestled in the heart of London. Standing at a charming 5’5”, Svetlana possesses a graceful UK size 10 figure and UK 5 shoes. Her silky blonde hair frames her captivating brown eyes, which convey a wealth of expression. With curves in all the right places, complemented by a slender waist and perky C/D cup breasts, … Continue reading →